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An Iranian living in Scotland, the second most beautiful country in the world

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Kia Nazarpour

University of Edinburgh

I am Professor of Digital Health at School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh. I am also the Director of Edinburgh Movement and Rehabilitation (MoveR) hub. At the MoveR webpages, you can find more about our research at the University of Edinburgh.

For an up-to-date list of publication, please visit my Google Scholar profile


I am co-founder of Neuranics, which is the first joint spin-out between the universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow.

At Neuranics, I serve as the Chief Strategy Officer, where I lead the development and execution of strategic initiatives. My focus is on driving innovation, scaling our TMR sensor solutions to market readiness, and building partnerships that align with our mission to deliver cutting-edge solution.

Rebel Bionics

I am co-founder of At REBEL Bionics, which is an upper-limb prosthetics company dedicated to disrupting the prosthetics industry. For far too long upper limb prosthetics manufacturers have focused on features over function, larger than life promises, and mainly serving a population that has a variety of options. At REBEL, we work with all stakehoders to build a prosthesis that is fit for purpose.